Here you can find some information about our company, our products and services in German language and partly in English as PDF files for download. We hope you enjoy browsing.

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General Corporate News

KÜHLA Infoflyer/KÜHLA Flyer

KÜHLA kompakt!Here you can get some basic information about our company, our services and our range of products clearly summed in our current flyer.

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Privacy Policy

Information according to Art. 13 + 14 DSGVO (Interested parties / customers)

We hereby inform you about the processing of your personal data by the company KÜHLA Kühltechnik & Ladenbau GmbH and the rights to which you are entitled under data protection law:

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General terms and conditions of business

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Image broschure „The fascination of solid surface materials“, 2017

Oh! Art meets nature, design meets functionality, high-tech meets hand-craft!

Solid surface materials have changed the shop fitting and the architecture heritage permanently and significantly. For us the versatile material is also absolutely essential in our daily work. What makes solid surface materials so important for us you can see in our new brochure, which is all about the great all-rounder. Please have a look what varied possibilities offer the working with solid surface materials.

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Product information

Produktkatalog Serienfertigung Kühltechnik 2012/2013/Product catalogue cooling units 2012/2013

Our whole product range with only one click! Here our current product catalogue for 2012 and 2013 available for download. Do you require further information about our products, our prices or do you wish an individual service performance, please contact us by phone or per e-mail Mail +++ Contact. We can gladly advise you in all relevant issues or we create a customized quotation.

+++ Download (D) (Ca. 20 MB)

Produktdatenblätter/Product information

With our Product Data Sheets you get all important information and pictures in an overview format. Our basic products lines KIC COMPAKT, KIC ELEMENTS, KIC EURO-SPEED-LINE, TIC NON-COOLED CABINETS, KIC COMPAKT COOLING TABLES (500 mm + 650 mm), COCKTAIL STATION, WORKTOPS, BAR PILLARS, COOLING TROUGHS + CONTACT COOLING PLATES here available as a PDF file-set in German and English language.

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+++ Download (EN)

Further information and our Product Data Sheets here also separately for download +++ here ...


Betriebsanleitungen/Operating instructions

All our equipment, shop fittings and Cooling products that we deliver to our customers and partners contain detailed technical documents and care and maintenance information in accordance with the German Accident Prevention Regulations for Cooling Systems VBG 20 § 20. Our complete operating instructions for our ready-to-plug-in models you can find here as PDF files in German and English.

KIC Kühltheken/KIC Refrigerated Counters

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Kühlwannen & Kontaktkühlplatten/Cooling troughs & contact cooling plates

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Reinigungs- und Pflegehinweise/Care and Maintenance information

Brilliantly clean! Catering equipment und furnishings are exposed to many stresses in the daily routine. For a long service life of your furnishings we've put together the most useful information for care and maintenance of stainless steel, wood and wood décor, stone and object stone. All information are available for download in German and English.

Reinigung und Pflege Chromnickelstahl (CN)/Care and Maintenance chromium nickel steel (CN)

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+++ Download (EN)

Reinigung und Pflege Hartgestein/Care and Maintenance Hard Rock

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Reinigung und Pflege Marmor und Travertin/Care and Maintenance Marble and Travertine

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Reinigung und Pflege Massivholz/Care and Maintenance Oiled solid wood surface

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Reinigung und Pflege Objektstein stone.de®/Care and Maintenance Object Stone stone.de®

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Reinigung und Pflege CORIAN®(Mineralwerkstoff)/Care and Maintenance CORIAN® (Solid surface materials)

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Reinigung und Pflege STARON®(Mineralwerkstoff)/Care and Maintenance STARON® (Solid surface materials)

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A cool Thing! All our cooling counters and cooling items are equipped with high-quality thermostats from LAE Electronic. They ensure the smooth operation of all our cooling counters/items in daily operation business. Here you’ll find all instructions and information regarding handling, adjusting the temperature and more as PDF file for download.
In all our ready-to-plug-in standard models we use the model BIT25.

Cooling counters/items (with lightning): BIT25B1S2E-B

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Cooling counters/items (without lightning): BIT25B1S3E-B

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+++ Download (EN)

For all our prewired cooling items or for special designs, for example with multi control function etc. we use the model AT1-5BQ6E-2KU

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+++ Download (EN)


Have you got another design or if you are not sure what kind of thermostat was used for your cooling counter/item, please contact us by phone +49 4447 9633-0 or use our contact form +++ Contact.